October's Theme is Hallow'een!
And a fun packed night we have in store. Get in the spirit and come in costume!
Decorate a Pumpkin with the Arts Council
So. Washington St. 5:00pm onwards
Take a trip on the Haunted Hayride
So. Washington St. 1st ride 5:00pm and every 3omins thereafter till approx. 9pm
Y-Dance Jam
Join Y-Dance & Evolve for some spooky moves by the firehouse and in the YMCA gym
7:00pm onwards
Christ Church Bake Sale
Enjoy some baked goods for a good cause. The Christ Church youth group will be raising funds for a trip to Mississippi to continue repairs to communities still rebuilding following hurricane Katrina.
Boy Scout Popcorn
Help out a local troop, place your orders and start your holiday shopping early
Premier Performing Arts
Learn about the Music Hall's new resident professional company.
Legends Realty
Have moved into the old Design Shop space and will be out to meet you all, with tattoos and face painting for the kids (Barbara Sternau interiors can still be found at this location, they just moved upstairs).
Prudential Realty
Are throwing open their magnificent porch at 54 Broadway, its a great place to watch the Hayride go bye, stop by meet the team.
and much, much more. Please see below for a full schedule